Given the current economic climate, many business owners have had to urgently shift their business models. Devising ‘pivot’ strategies to keep companies afloat have become jobs in themselves while many departments scramble to accommodate changes in processes. Thankfully, there are ways you can alleviate the pressure. Outsourcing your mail and email to a reputable provider can save you time, streamline your workflows, increase your efficiency, improve compliance and even bump up your data security. This can give you the time you need to focus on your business and ensure its enduring success.
Utilising intelligent mailroom technology, we can sort, manage and distribute all of your inbound mail. When you divert your incoming emails to Micro Image, we use proprietary and secure software to classify and organise them based on variables specific to your business. This intelligence will recognise attachments such as invoices and claims which are then automatically redirected to a specified department, or integrated into a preset workflow to ensure they reach the relevant party. Even linked documents in emails can be captured, so the previously time-consuming manual task of opening, saving and redirecting becomes a thing of the past.
For paper mail, we use an Australia Post Locked Bag service before sorting, processing and classifying according to your business rules and workflows. Each item is then scanned, digitised, stored securely and electronically delivered to the relevant individual or department. We can also manage mail delivered by couriers and DX as our loading dock is able to receive bulk deliveries securely.
There’s more than a few reasons why outsourced mail services can save time, money and even valuable office space.
Having an experienced external team manage your mail means you can reassign dedicated mailroom staff to more productive or billable tasks. You’ll also no longer need to train new mailroom staff when current members move up in the organisation.
As a dedicated mailroom team that scans, sorts and processes your mail, you’ll remove the need for multiple touchpoint revisions that can slow down the internal delivery process. By outsourcing these critical workflows to an external team, you’ll reap the benefit of a more streamlined and efficient operation. Rather than needing to have multiple touchpoints in a single location, you can rely on your data being processed elsewhere for rapid accessibility.
Our intelligent recognition software can read and detect invoices so accounts payable documents are immediately sent to your finance team for processing. Your accounts department can be instantly notified for prompt payment processing. This keeps your accounts moving and more importantly, keeps your suppliers happy.
A dedicated physical mailroom can take up valuable real estate and in today’s market, every square metre counts. Outsourcing will free up this space so you can repurpose it for new staff or equipment and help you to expand your operation without significant investment.
Micro Image stays up to date with the latest industry advances in recognition software and automation processes including digitisation guidelines and legal compliance. This lowers the need for you to make any considerable investments when it comes to constantly upgrading your document scanning technology.
Your information security is paramount so your data remains protected at all times. Hackers and fraudsters are shamelessly opportunistic and reliably relentless, so we follow strict guidelines to prevent data breaches through electronic or paper-based mail. Our data security systems and practices ensure all incoming and outgoing data is password-protected. We also have a secure loading bay to accept courier deliveries and only trust locked bag services for bulk mail handling.
If your business is growing and you need to increase your capacity, outsourcing your mail services can enable expansion without costly new staff hires or finding more office space. Just by having an external mail team take over your current influx, you’ll benefit from greater internal scalability as current mail processing staff are free to be reassigned. A dedicated provider like Micro Image can also improve and simplify your processes so more time is devoted to critical departments.
Your outsourced mailroom processing can be integrated into existing systems so documents reach their intended destination without interruption and uncompliant documents get flagged or rejected. Thanks to this seamless transfer of information, your business will see a genuine improvement in the flow of communication with real-time positive results for both staff and customers.
We’ve helped a number of high profile organisations with outsourced mailroom services and stay up to date with the document processing technology and compliance guidelines. To find out more, contact us or call us on 03 9427 7958.
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