Mailroom Management

Outsource your mailroom management to Micro Image and free up staff time, save on costs and enjoy the benefits of same day processing.

Redirect your mail to Micro Image

Through intelligent mailroom management technology, we can sort, manage and electronically distribute all of your inbound mail – paper-based and electronic.

The benefits of outsourced mailroom management include high volume opening and sorting to free up staff time, volume-based pricing for cost-effectiveness, same day processing and immediate system integration. One or all of your departments can benefit from our automated process. Invoice processing, POD and general correspondence are just a few of the document types where the process for automation begins with a secure and trusted mailroom facility.

File organizer by letters

Electronic mailroom management

Divert your incoming emails to Micro Image. Our software classifies and organises emails based on variables specific to your business. Built-in intelligence can recognise attachments such as invoices and claims which are then automatically redirected to a specified department, or integrated into a preset workflow. Linked documents in emails can also be automatically captured, a previously time-consuming manual task that we can automate.

Paper-based mailroom management

Once your inbound mail has been physically delivered directly to Micro Image using an Australia Post Locked Bag service, we sort, process and classify in accordance with your business rules and workflows. Each item is scanned, digitised, stored securely and electronically delivered to the relevant individual or department. Our secure facility also manages mail delivered by couriers and DX, with our loading dock able to receive bulk deliveries securely.

Ask us how Mailroom Management can assist you.

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